Welcome to Salescraft Training


Do you find sales to be one of the most stressful parts of your work? Maybe you fear being asked a particular question (or questions), or maybe the fear of getting a “no” holds you back from asking for the business.

Or maybe you just don’t want to appear to be the pushy/sleazy salesperson that we all hate!

The good news is that most of us feel that way when it comes to taking on a sales role.

The sales process is one that every business needs to become successful, so how can you move past these fears (and that’s all they are!)?

Well, the very first thing to do is to ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Do I believe that my product or service offers real value to the right client?
  • Do I know who those clients are (at least as a general description)?
  • Do I believe that once installed, my solution will make their life easier, more profitable, or both?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions (or at least the first and last questions), why would you need to be sleazy? You are trying to help your clients and make their lives easier and more fulfilling.

I’ve been in sales for a long time, and I get a real buzz from seeing people make breakthroughs in their work and their personal lives. As salespeople, we are in an amazingly privileged position to help make real positive changes to the lives of the people we sell to.

Take a look at my website to find out how I can help you in your career.

Don’t ask yourself what you can sell today, ask how many people can you help!

About Me

I'm Graham Elliott, and I'm the founder of Salescraft Training. I've spent more than 30 years in sales and it's transformed my life. However, I've made plenty of mistakes along the way, so the idea behind Salescraft Training is that you don't have to make the same ones!

My Consultative Selling course takes you through the key stages in selling successfully to others in face to face sales situations. You may be in Business 2 Business, or a Business 2 Customer environment. Either way, the core aspects of this course will apply to you.

I also believe that two heads are better than one, so everyone who joins the course automatically becomes a member of the Consultative Selling community. That's a place where you can meet other course members, ask questions and share your experiences.

Sales is a fantastic career. It can deliver a lifestyle that few other career choices can match, and allow you to contribute to your community in a very constructive way. By adopting the techniques in our programme, you will be able to reap the benefits of a successful career and have a great time doing it!

Available Products

Consultative Selling - Beta Release

Are you struggling with sales, or do you want to improve your sales performance?

Do you find it stressful to close a sale?

Do you fear objections?

Can you imagine being in a position where you enjoy client meetings, where you can easily handle objections (and hearing the word "no"), and where you approach each client meeting with confidence?

Read on to find out how to make sales an enjoyable and fulfilling career option!

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